There are plenty of opportunities to boost your income if you’re willing to hustle. A few hours each week can add significantly to your discretionary income. You’ll find a few ideas listed below, but come up with a list of your own ideas. With enough creativity, you might discover an untapped source of secondary income.
Boost your income starting tomorrow:
Be a part-time personal assistant. You can make phone calls, run errands, mow the grass, have the car washed, or pick up the kids. Think of all the things you wish you had help with. You can provide that to someone else. While there aren’t too many people that can use an assistant full-time, there are many people that could use and hour or two of help.
Rent your car. How much time do you actually spend driving it? The rest of the time it’s just sitting in the driveway dripping oil and serving as a target for birds. There are apps that will allow you to list and rent your car. Parkingspotter and Relayrides are two examples.
Knock on doors. A variety of organizations are looking for people to canvas neighborhoods and solicit donations or spread information. You can brush up on your social skills, too.
Bartender. With the right position, you can make a lot of money quickly. Take a class and learn how to mix your favorite drinks.
Clean houses. Some people actually like to clean. If you’re one of them, you’re in luck! Some people are too busy to clean and have the financial resources to pay someone else to do it. All you have to do is find each other. A few basic cleaning supplies are enough to get started.
Housesit. If you spend your evenings in front of the TV or playing on your computer anyway, do it at someone else’s house and get paid for it. There’s not much to do besides getting the mail.
Teach. Do you know yoga, algebra, or how to play the violin? Share your knowledge for a price. Use online classifieds or hand out a few fliers. Just a couple of students can provide a nice boost to your income.
Get a roommate. Split the rent and utilities. That can easily be upwards of $1,000 per month. All you have to do is give up some privacy and half the refrigerator. Be sure to take a shower before the hot water is gone.
Pet-sitter or dog walker. Pet sitters make around $25 per day. If you’re lucky enough to get a good dog, it’s an easy job. Dog walkers earn around $15 per 30-minute walk. A few clients can add to your income nicely. Look at
Buy and sell things on Craigslist. People have traded their way from a used cell phone to a Porsche without spending a dime. Look for things selling at a low price. Purchase it and resell at a higher, more reasonable price.
There are always good deals to be found. You must be knowledgeable of the item, however. Do you know the typical price for a 1988 USA Peavey Predator guitar? Know the market value of what you’re buying and look for someone willing to do something silly.
A little extra income never hurt anyone. Think of other ways to boost your income. If you’re willing to work, you can create a second income that makes a big difference in your life. Find something that interests you and you’ll enjoy yourself more. Many of these tips can be put into action immediately.