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There is a purpose for your life, whether you believe it or not. You may have to take several paths, but with a little digging, you can find where you’re meant to be.

The first clue to figuring out your purpose in life is to consider what natural talents, gifts and abilities you’re born with.

  1. Are you artistic or musical?

  2. Is it easy for you to talk to people?

  3. Are you a natural communicator?

  4. Do you love to socialize?

  5. Do you love to decorate and rearrange your home?

  6. Are you good at taking charge?

  7. Are you creative and crafty?

  8. Do you understand electronics and technical gadgets?

  9. Do you understand computer technology?

  10. Do people compliment you on your style?

  11. Are you a good writer?

  12. Do you have good organizational skills?

Once you figure out what talents naturally live within you, you can then understand what you’re supposed to be doing with those gifts and talents. This is your purpose in life.

What Do You Love to Do?

Have you ever sat down and really reflected on what you love to do?

There are literally millions of possibilities, so start with the gifts and talents you were born with. From there figure out what you love to do that requires using those gifts and talents.

  1. If you’re artistic or musical, teaching others how to draw, paint or play an instrument may be your calling in life.

  2. Being naturally social, you might consider being an organizer for social events.

  3. If you’re always redecorating and rearranging your home, why not get paid to do it and start an interior decorating business?

  4. Being a natural born leader opens all kinds of doors that could lead you in many different directions. Does your church or other local community groups need someone to head up a department? You may find your purpose there.

  5. If you’re good at making crafty things, helping at a preschool or elementary school may be fulfilling for you. Using your creative ability could open the door to a career in graphic arts as well.

  6. If you’re technically minded, perhaps you might consider using your understanding of electronics to fix equipment or you might enjoy working in an electronics store.

  7. If you have a strong knowledge of computers, you’re certain to find a career online or with a high tech company or you might even consider starting your own business.

  8. If you’re naturally stylish and love to keep up with what’s new in the fashion world, perhaps designing your own line of clothing or accessories is your purpose. Or maybe you’d enjoy helping others discover what style works best for them by working in a clothing store. Another option may be to offer your services as a fashion consultant to those who are unemployed, so they can learn how to dress professionally for job interviews.

  9. The love of writing may be something you don’t even realize yet. With blogging becoming the most popular way to market a business, getting paid to write is a great way to make money from home. Many people have started a simple blog that has turned into a money making machine. Start by writing on topics you already have knowledge about and go from there. You might be surprised at how much money you can make with your love of writing.

  10. Using your organizational skills, you might be fond of going into homes and getting them ready for sale or helping elderly persons organize their homes. You could also offer your services online as an organizational consultant or teach those who aren’t naturally organized.

Finding your purpose in life simply takes self-reflection as well as some trial and error. Free yourself from wandering through life without purpose. We’re all here for a reason and, once your find your purpose and begin living it, you’ll feel happy and fulfilled!

The Girls Scouts have been selling cookies for more than 100 years, and they’ve created the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world. In fact, more than 200 million boxes of cookies are sold each year, totaling about $800 million dollars.

While the cookie sales sound impressive on their own, they’re not the only benefit of scouting. Studies show that former Girl Scouts have higher achievements across the board, including increased income and greater self-esteem.

With a record like that, the Girl Scouts must know something about blending traditional and modern paths to success. Take a look at what Thin Mints and Samoas can teach you about reaching your own goals.

Traditional Paths to Success:

  1. Focus on giving. Supporting worthy causes is part of what makes Girl Scout cookies so popular. The money goes back into the local community or to other charities that the girls select. Whether you’re selling shortbread or life insurance, helping others to reach their dreams will help you to fulfill your own.

  2. Be authentic. The pictures on the cookie boxes are all real Girl Scouts, and the girls are encouraged to wear their uniforms going door to door or staffing their booths. Being genuine with yourself and others will make you more likeable and trustworthy too.

  3. Build skills. The Girl Scouts have invented their own 5-part formula for success. It includes goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics. While you may choose different wording, it’s important to develop the abilities and behaviors that enable you to deal with life’s challenges.

  4. Look out for your family. The first Girl Scout cookies were baked by mothers and daughters in their own kitchens, and parents still bring cookies to the office to sell to coworkers. Family support helps you to stay strong and resilient.

  5. Make friends. Selling cookies takes teamwork. You’ll discover more opportunities and make more progress if you network vigorously and consistently. Focus on what you can do for others and follow up when you make a commitment.

  6. Leverage your strengths. Would you believe that Thin Mints account for 25% of Girl Scout cookies sales? While it’s important to be open to new ideas, your biggest achievements will come from knowing how to use your unique talents.

  7. Live healthy. Speaking of new ideas, Girl Scout cookies now come in vegan and gluten-free options. To accomplish anything in life, you need to take care of your mind and body.

  8. Appreciate nature. S’more cookies are one sign of how scouting brings cookies and camping together. Outdoor activities are another mainstay of a happy and productive life.

  9. Gain confidence. The greatest benefit of scouting and selling cookies may be the increased confidence that Girl Scouts report. Believing in yourself makes you a success in any field.

Modern Paths to Success:

  1. Go digital. Caramel deLites and Do-si-Dos took a giant step into the 21st Century with the launching of the Digital Cookies platform in 2014. Embracing new technology enables you to work smarter and stay relevant.

  2. Use social media. The internet makes it a lot easier to find out when your favorite cookies go on sale. Build your community by staying in touch and sharing your views on Facebook, LinkedIn, or other channels.

  3. Seek balance. On the other hand, Girl Scout cookies are still officially on sale for only about 6 to 8 weeks a year even in a 24/7 society, so girls can participate in other worthwhile projects. It’s a good reminder to stick to your own values and priorities.

Girl Scout cookies are a delicious way to treat yourself and invest in your community. Let these young cookie entrepreneurs inspire you to take action and live the life you want.

Entrepreneurs aren’t limited by age, and you can start a successful business at any stage of your life. However, becoming an entrepreneur later in life has its own unique challenges.

Consider these tips for starting a business as a senior:

  1. Avoid allowing others to limit your goals. As you get older, you may have more people in your life who try to persuade you away from the entrepreneur lifestyle.

  1. Your family and friends may have good intentions, but they can also limit your dreams.

  2. They may remind you that it’s more difficult to start a new business as you get older because you have other responsibilities. Children, aging parents, and others can take up a lot of your time and present challenges when starting a business. However, knowing that these challenges exist can also help you make contingency plans for when time is tight.

  3. Ignore your age. Dreams don’t have expiration dates, and entrepreneurs don’t have age limits. As they say, “you’re only as old as you feel.” So if you feel like taking on the rigors of starting a new business, let your age be the last thing on your mind as you move forward with your business plans.

  4. Be open to learning from others. The most successful entrepreneurs are open to learning new ideas.

  5. Stay up to date on new advancements in your field, either by keeping in the loop yourself or by hiring employees or contractors that incorporate this into their tasks.

  6. Finding a mentor with successful business experience in your field can help your new business see profits quickly and plan for successful growth.

  7. Get your family involved. Successful entrepreneurs often have their family members involved in the business.

  1. Do your children want to help you build a business? Does your spouse have interesting ideas and want to collaborate with you? Your family can help you make your dream come true.

  2. Consider the impact of the business on your personal life. How will the business affect your family and ability to continue working your regular day job?

  1. A new business venture may be exciting, but it has consequences.

  2. It’s important to consider the full impact of the new business on your personal life. Will you be able to spend time with your children and spouse as you launch the business?

  3. Your personal finances are another area that can be deeply affected by a new business. How do you plan to pay for the business? If your plan involves draining personal finances or getting new loans, then this can affect your entire family. It’s important to discuss the changes with them before you take action.

  4. Consider the impact of your parents on the business. As your parents age, they may become dependent on you. Can you handle the complexities of being an entrepreneur and caring for your parents?

  1. Younger entrepreneurs may have decades before they have to worry about caring for their aging parents. However, as an older entrepreneur, you don’t have this luxury.

  2. You may have to handle multiple roles at the same time. How will you balance your lifestyle and finances to manage everything? Can you afford to start a new business if your parents need your help?

  3. Your parents can have a serious accident or health issue that makes you responsible for taking care of them. The expense of this situation can be detrimental to your efforts with your new business.

You can become a successful entrepreneur and build a strong business at any age. However, it’s important to stay aware of the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur and make plans that will help you overcome these challenges.


If you enjoyed this post, I invite you to take a moment and sign up to receive the BusyGal Bi-Weekly Affirmation Inspiration in Your Inbox.

Affirmations are simply statements that are designed to create self-change in the individual using them. They can serve as inspiration, as well as simple reminders. They also can serve to focus you attention onto your goals throughout the day, which, in and of itself, has the potential to promote positive and sustained self-change.

People use affirmations for a variety of purposes. Generally speaking, affirmations are used to reprogram the subconscious mind, to encourage us to believe certain things about ourselves or about the world and our place within it. They are also used to help us create the reality we want—often in terms of making (or attracting) wealth, love, beauty, and happiness.

According to Walter E. Jacobson, M.D., there is value in affirmations of this nature, because our subconscious mind plays a major role in the actualization of our lives and the manifestation of our desires. What we believe about ourselves at a subconscious level, he says, can have a significant impact on the outcome of events.

At the simplest level, when we feel good about ourselves and have a positive attitude, our lives tend to run smoothly. Proponents of the “law of attraction” often refer to this as raising our vibration such that when our vibration is positive, positive things—such as financial abundance, love, and renewed health—are magnetically drawn to us.

You can sign up HERE to receive the BusyGal Bi-Weekly Affirmation Inspiration in Your Inbox.

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