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Making money can be very difficult for some people. Even if you have a good job, you may not have enough to pay all of your bills and still have money left over. There’s a way around that, though. You can make some extra money in your spare time.

You don’t need to dedicate all your leisure time to making money, either. Just a few hours a week would be enough. You could use your evenings after dinner or a day on the weekend. It’s not about getting rich or replacing your day job – it’s just about having a little extra. Even fifty or a hundred dollars a week might make the difference between paying a bill or not.

Where Do Your Talents Lie?

Everyone is good at something. Even if you aren’t sure what kinds of talents you have, think about what you like to do. Do people compliment you on your singing voice? Your cooking? Your handy work? The compassion that you have for children or the elderly? You have the potential to make money from your passions, interests, and skills! It’s not as hard as a lot of people make it out to be.

What kinds of hobbies do you have? Do you write? Take pictures? Paint or draw? Can you teach or tutor others? Are you handy? Make a list of what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing sometimes, these aren’t the same things.

Choose an activity from your list and then try these strategies to use this talent to produce income:

  1. Advertise your services in the newspaper so you can find people who need help.

  2. Post your information on Craigslist, Kijiji, and online classified ad sites where people hire others.

  3. Start a website or blog where you can offer your talents and services.

  4. Network with others who do the same things, so you can get ideas and advice.

  5. Attend community events and hand out business cards.

  6. Create a portfolio of your work and start showing it to others.

You never know when you might be able to make a connection that leads to something great. If you’re not prepared, that chance could slip away. Rather than wait for that moment, be ready in advance.

Start preparing now, knowing that making money in your spare time could take a little while. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen when you remain committed to it.

Yes, Attitude Does Matter

Remember that how you act can make a huge difference in whether someone hires you to do something. Even if you’re the best in the business, a bad attitude won’t get you very far. Stay positive, even when you get turned down for work.

Keep your head up and continue to improve. When people see that you’re committed to making money in your spare time and you’re actively looking for work, you’ll find people who will buy from you or hire you to do something. Get letters of reference from people who hire you and use them in your portfolio to show future customers.

Word of mouth is also vital, so do your best job every time. If you make a mistake, admit it, and then work to make it right. People appreciate honesty, and you’ll get more work from those who see that you’re a quality person with the right mindset. These attributes can actually help you go farther than the actual level of talent you have.

So let your talents inspire you, rev up your can-do attitude, and you may be surprised how easy it really is to bring in some extra money in your spare time!

Being successful in MLM is challenging, but the great thing about it is that it doesn’t take any special talent. It does take some hard work and an intelligent approach to growing your business. Once you have those in place, you can look forward to an exciting experience!

Follow these steps to get off to a fast start:

  1. Make a decision. Nothing significant can happen until you make the decision to do something. Making a decision means that you cut yourself off from all other possibilities. So decide that you’re going to be successful and that no challenge can stop you from moving forward in your business.

  2. Schedule your time. Most folks decide to fit their MLM activities around everything else. That is, they do it whenever they have time. This is the wrong approach. You should schedule this work just like you would anything else that’s important to you. Make a schedule and stick to it.

  3. Consider spending about 80% of your time growing your business and 20% learning more. Most people tend to do it just the opposite and are never successful because of it. Track how much time you’re actually spending on activities that can make you money.

  4. Get a success team. Surround yourself with like-minded people that are successful at what you’re trying to do. Find some people locally if you can; use an online community if you must. It keeps the motivation high, and you have a source to turn to for answers. Remember that this is part of the 20% and not the 80%.

  5. Limit your prospecting. After you tell your friends, family, and neighbors what you’re up to, give most of the prospecting a rest. There are better ways to spend your time.

  6. Market. One of the M’s in MLM is for marketing. This is where you should spend a lot of your 80%. Marketing is the ultimate source of your success. Whether you’re looking for downline members or customers, it’s a lot easier to convert leads to dollars when the leads are contacting you. Trying to turn a cold call / cold approach into a payday is tough!

  7. Utilize technology. The great thing about the Internet, Twitter, Facebook, and other technology is the tremendous leverage. They’re essentially free and allow you to reach a large number of people.

  8. Find a successful mentor. A successful mentor is someone that started where you are and has reached where you want to be. Don’t get a mentor that makes $1,000 a month if you want to make $10,000 a month. Spend some time and find the right person.

  9. Keep in mind that the most successful MLM-ers don’t waste a lot of time. You might want to offer them something besides the benefit of a warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe you could do some work for them. Maybe you can give them a percentage. Be prepared to reciprocate your time.

MLM is a great business for those that are determined and take intelligent action. While there are no shortcuts, there are plenty of less than direct routes to get to where you want to go. Follow these tips and you can get off to a fast start. That first check is closer than you think.

Personal change starts internally with a shift in mindset. The resulting external changes grow from this internal foundation. So now that you know where to start, how do you go about making these adjustments in your approach to life?

To really achieve personal transformation, several major stages must be crossed. Now, this doesn’t mean that change must always take place slowly, only that all significant shifts will follow this sequence, regardless of how long the process takes.

The 6 Stages of Personal Transformation

  1. Awareness. Nothing will change until you’re aware that something needs to shift. This stage can occur over time. Perhaps you become aware of some nagging feeling that things aren’t as well as you’d like them to be. Maybe you notice a long held belief that no longer serves you.

  1. This stage could also happen suddenly. If you recently suffered a heart attack, you’re probably very aware of necessary dietary or lifestyle changes.

  2. Also, keep tabs on your negative emotions. They’re often your subconscious attempting to provide you with awareness of needed changes.

  3. Examination. After becoming conscious that something isn’t quite right, some thought needs to take place. You might start by asking yourself these questions: “What’s wrong? Why do I feel this way? What needs to change? Does anything really need to change? Can I live with this the way it is?”

  4. Intention. If the process passes the examination phase, we then may enter into intentionality. A decision has been made to change and the intention is there to remove a belief or behavior and replace it with a more appropriate alternative.

  5. In many ways, this is the most powerful step. At this point you’ve truly decided to change and to replace something old with something new. With enough intention, nearly anything is possible.

  6. Action. However, only with action do you actually begin to experience change. At this point, you’ve already come a long way. You’ve taken what may have started as a dull sense of discomfort and given it a name and a face.

  7. You might even feel more uncomfortable now than you did in Step 1; now you’re more aware of what’s going on. If you’re feeling helpless about a situation, bear in mind that this is frequently the result of reaching Stage 4 but then failing to take any action.

  8. Improvement. As you discover what works for you, your initial actions may be inadequate or incorrect. When changing yourself, a fine-tuning process occurs until a sufficient solution is found. This is largely trial and error. You simply keep making adjustments to your approach until you hit on an effective solution.

  9. Integration. This stage may take some time; new habits can require some effort before they take hold. At the completion of this step, you’ve fully adopted the new belief or behavior. The initial discomfort that started the whole process should be gone now, since the cause of that uneasiness has been alleviated.

Having a fundamental awareness of these steps will help you go from experiencing emotional discomfort to feeling whole and satisfied. The next time you get a nagging feeling that something isn’t right, take the time to examine your emotions. Do this every time you feel something negative, and you’ll grow into the person you always dreamed of being.

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